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How to debug the communication of wireless LoraWan pressure transmitters


The wireless communication debugging of wireless LoRaWAN pressure sensors involves multiple steps. Here is a simplified debugging guide:


I. Network configuration and debugging


1. Configure LoRaWAN gateway:

The gateway needs to be configured to receive data from LoRa nodes and upload it to the cloud platform.

This usually involves setting parameters such as the IP address, port number, and communication protocol of the gateway.

2. Connect LoRa node to gateway:

Ensure that LoRa nodes can successfully connect to the gateway. Set the operating frequency, channel, transmission rate and other parameters of the node. This usually includes setting the OTAA (Over the Air Activation) or ABP (Activation By Personalization) activation method for LoRaWAN, as well as related parameters such as DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey, etc. You can check by observing the receiving indicator light of the gateway or logging into the gateway's web interface.

3. Debugging the communication process:

Use serial debugging assistant and tools such as to observe the sending and receiving status of LoRa nodes.

Check if the data packet is complete and if the data is parsed correctly.

If communication is unstable or data packets are lost, you can try adjusting the RF parameters of the LoRa module (such as transmission power, spreading factor, bandwidth, etc.) to improve communication quality.


II. Maintenance and Management


1. Regularly check the working status of LoRa nodes and gateways to ensure proper device operation.

2. For abnormal situations: timely troubleshooting and repair.

3. Utilize management tools provided by cloud platforms to remotely monitor and manage LoRa networks, reducing the workload of manual intervention.


The above steps can successfully debug the wireless communication of the LoRaWAN pressure sensor and achieve stable data transmission and remote monitoring. After successful debugging, you can proceed with actual networking using your own platform operations.

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